Services We Offer

Physical Therapy

Conditions treated: Back pain, joint pain, arthritis, sprain/strains, balance/falls,
deconditioning, vertigo, post-op ACL, total joint replacements

Treatments: Specific Exercise, Balance Training, Joint mobilization/manipulation, Dry

Insurance: Medicare and all secondary insurances

Dry Needling and Soft Tissue Stretch

Dry Needling Coming soon…

30 minutes: $85

60 minutes: $150


MoveWell Wellness Exam: Comprehensive lifestyle Questionnaire and body
movement screen. This Wellness exam is a platform to reflect upon your current
lifestyle and create goals in areas in which you wish to improve.

The Movement screen helps highlight imbalances of the body that may be causing
pain or a precursor to pain or injury. The screen helps drive treatment and improve

Youth Athlete Training

Our youth athlete training clinics are designed to promote performance and improve body awareness

The clinics include Speed work, agility training, conditioning, plyometrics and a dynamic warm up

The program goals are to encourage teamwork, socialization, develop worth ethic and improve overall performance

Matt credits this type of program he participated in during high school and college to improved performance, playing injury free, and able to play migraine free football. 

Summer session

For ages:

5 to 8: $375

9 to 13: $375

14 to 19: $375

MoveWell Musculoskeletal Wellness Exam

MoveWell Musculoskeletal Wellness Exam: $199